Thursday, December 29, 2022

Spa Day- Daddy Day

The girls had a lovely spa day and Astrid had a fun daddy, grandpa and Oliver day! Astrid loved having everyone visit her room this morning as she woke up and loved having everyone to hug in the evening. She definitely misses her Grammie and she stayed cuddled with her for a long time. Sweetest thing ever! 


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Children’s Museum, Dinner & Treats

 The past two days have been full of the Children's museum okay with our friends Rian and Alexandria.. Astrid hid behind a post in a tight corner when it was time to leave..she loved it there so much, then later dinner with her two aunts Marie and Cynthia, plus cousins, then a phone call with nana. Today was full of a walk, picking up Oliver at his campsite, eating sweet treats from our neighbor and helping mommy put away Christmas decorations. It’s been feeling a bit cluttered! 

Monday, December 26, 2022

Clean Up

We’ve got 8 million plans this week and more we’re added last night by Aunt Marie. Mommy will pause next week and take a deep breath. Astrid picked out some new silly cups k. Our walk today and we can’t wait to use them over the next few days. We’re using every moment we have to stay sane and clean up the Christmas decorations! Mommy felt too cluttered this year with all her decorations and her toddler… time to clean up!! Can’t wait for next week to actually get it all done. 



 Mommy doesn’t have any pictures of Astrid. She did lots of cute things today…especially at night when she was trying to extend her nighttim...