Friday, April 30, 2021

Fiesta Island

It was time to get out of the house and to go on an adventure.  Fiesta Island was full of fun people watching, Astrid watching, and fireworks.  Happy Friday!


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hair Day

We had a bad hair day.  But we don't care. Our garden is growing much better than mommy and Astrid's hair.  Night night. 


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Mellow Day

Mellow days at home are the best. 
Drinking pumped breastmilk from a bottle.
Astrid looks at her dad with so much love
when he feeds her.

Astrid was wearing her brother's old tie dye shirt
and hanging out with her new bunny, Blossom today.  
The book is from Claire and she's wearing mismatched socks.
Mommy will have to write about the connection between the 
socks and the Hedgehugs at another time!

Bunny time.....  

and look at those eyeballs!  She is so cute!  

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Astrid goes on a lot of walks.  Tonight she went with her mommy and dad.  Dad got this amazing picture of her.  She is just too cute!


Monday, April 26, 2021


Today was full of surprises!!

Mommy's friend and mother of two of her students,
past and present stopped by to bring Astrid a gift.
It is so nice being surprised...Mommy feels loved 
and appreciated.  

Another surprise came later in the day...
a nice batch of spit up on mommy's sweatshirt. 
Totally worth it!  


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Long Walk

 Astrid had a busy day.  She slept in her brother's arms while mommy did a workout, mommy couldn't get a picture because someone wouldn't let her take one.  It wasn't Astrid...  Then mommy and her two kids-- it's weird writing that!-- went on a long walk to Grand Avenue to check out fishing stuff at Nomad Adventures for Oliver.  Astrid had a good time, sleeping, eating, looking around, and eating more.  We even stopped at Petersen's Donuts where Oliver and mommy had Donut Wednesdays for about five years!

Here are a bunch of donut pictures and downtown Escondido in a stroller pictures:



Today was full of surprises:

Under big brother's watch....cute hands covering
her face.  Oliver called mommy over to check 
this out!

A nice walk with both kids and we saw this nice
BMW with questionable but funny parking abilities. 

Surprise visit from Grammie and Grandpa!


Loving Grammie's embrace until she realized
it wasn't actually mommy. But still loving on her Grammie. 


Friday, April 23, 2021

Pretty Girl

 This picture was from yesterday.  Astrid was just looking so pretty in her car seat and was mellow with the car ride to Mommy's school to drop off shoes for her Girls on the Run team.  Mommy was proud of rides can be fun!  She'll learn that eventurally.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

One Month Old

Our sweet little miss Astrid Jane is one month old.  We love her so much and enjoy watching her grow.  Those smiles are starting to appear and they are making our hearts melt.  
These pictures were fun to take, but you can see it's not easy and we have some upside down technical difficulties.  We have eleven more months to improve!  Dad made the wine barrel heart.  
It's perfect, just like Astrid.  


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Car Rides

Astrid does not like car rides very much.  Sometimes she does, but most of the time, nope.  She seems to dislike them most when she is by herself in the back.  This morning she was fine on the way to her weigh in doctor appointment but hated it on the way home!  Oh well, we'll work on it.  Mommy told her the car that it is so important because we can go on amazing adventures in cars.  Anyways, we were successful in our efforts to increase her weight by a few ounces and her doctor is happy with her progress.  Yay for all our hard work!  
She also got to meet her brother's Grandma, Michele today!  She enjoyed being held and admired by her.  It's nice for Mommy to see Oliver share his sister, he is pretty sweet with her.  Just need to catch more pictures of them together! 

Everyone at Kaiser loved Astrid's sweater.  
It was a big, fluffy hit!  

She got to go through her first car wash adventure too.
She liked it, it was just to dark in there to
get a cute picture!  


Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Today, Mommy is grateful for....

A sleeping baby and little baby mismatched socks.

When dad does silly things with Astrid.

Like tummy time on the exercise ball.

And when dad teaches Astrid about our 
everyday chores...

Like watering our plants.  Our yard is
a work in progress right now.  


Monday, April 19, 2021

Busy Day

Astrid had a busy day....she helped Mommy do a couple tracks of Bodypump, she slept while Oliver and Mommy walked to Sprouts for some groceries, and she got to do her first Zoom meeting.  Mommy was inducted into the DKG sorority for teachers.  Mommy was supposed to go to a special ceremony last April but it was cancelled because guessed it...COVID. So Mommy was inducted today and they lit a candle for four of us who were inducted.  Mommy looks forward to continuing to make a difference in the community she teaches in and hopes that Astrid can learn from Mommy.  The DKG will just be an extension of the work that Mommy already does, with the extra benefit of having a bunch of new friends, mentors, and grandmas for Astrid...most of the women are retired now.  It was fun showing off Astrid at the end of the meeting.  

Bodypump Astrid

Sweet siblings.

DKG Members of Mommy's Chapter.  Hopefully
Astrid doesn't have to get to familiar with zooms when
she starts school.

Astrid wasn't super interested in the meeting.
She just slept and ate the whole time. 

Love all the rituals we have in the DKG.  Mommy will
need to learn the closing song they sing at meetings now.  


Sunday, April 18, 2021


Mommy posted yesterday that Astrid has met most of her family that lives in San Diego county.  Here are some no particular order.  One day Mommy will figure out how to drag and drop with her new laptop.  For now enjoy the beautiful pictures of Astrid with her family.
On Easter in her carseat.  Alert.  Look at those eyes!

First day home.  Love this picture.  We may need a bigger couch.

Brother and Sister.  First time
with each other.

Claire and Astrid.  Claire has already visited 
with Astrid about four times!!!

Funny story.  

It involves Shane.  

Waylon checking out his new cousin. 

Family picture...thanks to Nancy from Ohio for taking it!

Only kids were supposed to be in the picture.
Astrid is sort of in it. Oliver wasn't with us this day.

Astrid and Nana at home.  

Rachel and Waylon.

Aunt Ali

First day home.  Mommy's Acorns came over
and brought home Oliver.  He stayed with them
while we were at the hospital. 

Auntie Jess

Sweet Claire and Astrid.  Mommy thinks
those are probably Oliver's feet.  Welcome home
Little Miss Astrid.


 Mommy doesn’t have any pictures of Astrid. She did lots of cute things today…especially at night when she was trying to extend her nighttim...